2023 IBCA State-Wide Clinic Recap

Written by IBCA - Illinois Basketball Coaches Association | Sep 20, 2023 2:17:30 PM
The Sept. 17-18 clinic marked the 10th state-wide clinic for the IBCA, and it was another successful event for serving Illinois high school coaches by providing multiple learning sessions for growth.  There was a change in the format to help address some challenges and a desire for a different approach, which allowed for more sessions and learning experiences than what was ever provided before.  There was, and will be in future clinics, an attempt to provide coaches with sessions on topics that they can’t get from online sources, but that are important and essential for good coaching - things that go beyond X’s & O’s.

In all, there were 16 sessions and 26 presenters.  About 250 coaches took advantage on Sunday, with about 130 able to attend on Monday.  The social on Sunday night was also a big hit, with some coaches staying into the early morning hours before calling it quits on having some fun, telling stories, sharing some basketball, and networking.

The cost of the clinic was just $25.  

One comment from an attendee was: “Even with the cost of a hotel room and travel, this was a bargain for all that I got from the clinic.”   Another young coach commented while at the social: “I don’t know why more coaches don’t show up for this. I’ve learned so much. Today was awesome.

Note: Registration for the clinic does not count as an IBCA membership.  For membership, please CLICK HERE.

The clinic committee and the IBCA are very thankful to all those who played a part in making it so successful:  the presenters, the demonstrators (from IWU men’s and women’s teams and Eureka’s men’s team), staff at IWU, those IBCA board members who lent a hand, and to all who attended.